California Institute of the Arts

Canyon High School
The mission of The Master’s University is to empower students for a life of enduring commitment to Christ, biblical fidelity, moral integrity, intellectual growth and lasting contribution to the Kingdom of God worldwide.
Commitment to Christ, as evidenced by:
- Acceptance and acknowledgment of Christ as Lord and Savior
- Unreserved worship of God
- Pursuit of Christlikeness in word, deed and attitude
Biblical Fidelity, as evidenced by:
- Devotion to the study and application of the Scriptures
- Willingness to defend the inerrancy, authority and sufficiency of the Scriptures
Moral Integrity, as evidenced by:
- The nurturing of holiness through self-examination
- Stewardship of time, abilities and resources
- A lifetime of wholesomeness and moderation that regards the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit
- The practice of honesty, courtesy and civility toward all persons
- The practice of biblically confronting and restoring sinners
Intellectual Growth, as evidenced by:
- The ability and desire for inquiry into the great issues of life.
- A habit of careful analysis and evaluation of information and ideas.
- A thoughtful interaction with the full range of disciplines comprising the Christian liberal arts, leading to: – an appreciation and respect for the arts – an understanding of diverse cultures – an Increasing command of spoken and written languages – a functional grasp of the sweep of human history
A Life of Lasting Contribution, as evidenced by:
- Service and leadership within the local church
- An unashamed proclamation of the Gospel of Christ
- The building of godly families
- A strong and biblically-motivated work ethic
- An informed participation in the political process
- A continuing development of professional expertise
The challenges and threats which the church faces are ever-increasing.
And as our society continues to veer away from righteousness and truth, the more professing Christians there will be who compromise to accommodate society’s desires. For conviction is not a hereditary trait automatically transferred to the next generation. Rather, it must be fostered as individuals come to know the depths and breadth of God’s word. The Master’s University exists to establish such conviction in the coming generation of believers, so that the church has faithful stewards of the truth, who are obedient to Scripture in every aspect of their lives. For the church needs members in every role and office who are eager to know and proclaim the truth, whether it be in their local-churches, family, or vocation.
And how does TMU do this? By dedicating itself to Christ in all things. At TMU, Christ is not simply a topic to be studied; He is Lord over every discipline, and every thought is to be taken captive to Him. This demands that every student receive a thorough theological foundation in Scripture and doctrine, and that all faculty and staff believe an extensive doctrinal statement and commit themselves to instill a biblical worldview in every student. This also demands that the faculty be experts in their fields, able to prepare and drive students to excel in their disciplines.
The Master’s University has given this holistic biblical education to thousands of students since 1927, and with each passing year the institution devotes itself to a new level of excellence. At TMU, students are equipped for a life of enduring commitment to Christ and Scripture. They are also prepared to step confidently into the workforce or additional education—realities exemplified by a remarkable pass rate on the CPA exam and high acceptance rates to graduate and medical schools.
In a world of folly and deceit, the Church is the pillar of truth. And it is The Master’s University’s passion and duty to train members of Christ’s body for this highest of callings.